Bit of a movie buff?

Love the locations?

Locations Almanac lets you discover where your favourite films were shot and helps get you there to explore for yourself.


With Locations Almanac you can browse a particular location and see what was filmed there or just search for where the movies you love were made.

And when you create a profile, you can look up a specific place and add it to your favourites so you can check in there at a later date.


So many locations, so little time to check them all out. But we’re a helpful bunch here at Locations Almanac and we’ve mapped it all out for you to make navigating to your top movie sites easy peasy.

Seek them out. Impress your know-it-all mates. Sorted.


Head to your desired location and check-in to record your visit. You'll start to create your personalised Locations Almanac experience and begin to build a portfolio of your favourite movie spots.


Check-in at certain locations and you'll be rewarded with badges. And there are special ones for some of the truly iconic movies. The more places you clock up, the greater your haul.

So, what are you waiting for? Move it! Move it!